Wearing wigs can be both refreshing and liberating at the same time. By simply changing from a short; wavy wig to a loud and extravagantly bright colored-hair wig, can help alter a person’s appearance without even going under the knife or having to spend hours at the salon hoping to
achieve the same look of their favourite celebrities. Not only that, it can also help boosts a person’s confidence and showcase their individuality.
Surprisingly, it’s not only women of colour or race; but also, men have shown a clear fascination when it comes to wigs. As the years go by, wigs have proven how it can benefit people of all genders and their daily lives.

One of the most obvious reasons is that it can conceal natural hair problems. Wigs are convenient go-to solution whenever you need to find a quick fix to your hair problems. If you think about it, not only can it help you protect your hair by giving it time to breathe; but you can save both time AND money from your usual frequent trips to your favourite salon. You can opt for different styles as you want without causing more damage to your mane. So better start investing on those amazing wigs and get ready to slay and snatch everyone’s weave with your aweso-mane-ness!
How Popular Are Wigs These Days?
Now that we have established how beneficial wigs are, we’ll try to break down and analyze the statistics on the popularity of wigs in terms of beauty and fitness, as well as, health.
Beauty & Fitness


In terms of health and beauty, we can see from the line graph that there has been a dramatic increase in frequency of wigs search in the world wide web every year reaching its highest point from 2016 to 2017. Even in 2004, we can see that wigs have started to gain popularity as it has already reached 25% as a popular web search on the internet. Searching wigs for health reasons, has shown similar results with the first data, as well.
Beauty & Fitness


Surprisingly, here shows a striking contrast in both categories. In the first illustration, web searches of wigs for beauty and fitness have shown massive popularity in Jamaica; whereas, web searches of wigs for health reasons are quite popular in Vietnam. Followed by Japan in both groups, respectively.

Instagram has been one of the most famous social media platforms in this millennium. According to CNBC, it has already amassed 800 million users since April and it is said to be increasing a hundred more every month.
Armed with sharp photography and mad editing skills, millennials are in a constant battle of showcasing their best aesthetically pleasing feeds that can be posted and shared throughout the whole world wide web. So, it came to no surprise that majority of the netizens have chosen Instagram to launch and promote their brand and products.
Women of all ages have been into beauty and skin care products even way before Instagram was developed. However, due to a large number of celebrities using this app, women’s interests have heightened and the demand for such beauty trends have increased.
And yes, one of them are wigs.
And yes, we all have to thank Kylie Jenner for that.
If you don’t know her; then, look her up. You can’t miss it.
Going back on track, the image above clearly delineates the popularity of wigs. From simply typing #wigs on the search bar, you will be able to get 1,907,720 of wigs-related post on Instagram. Not only that, if you try to search other hashtags related to wigs then you might also receive numerous results, as well.

Facebook is not dead.
As some netizens would claim because millennials don’t use it anymore. Apparently, Facebook is still growing despite many new platforms emerging these days.
According to CNN Money, Facebook is still quickly closing in on the two billion user mark. This platform is still one of the sought-after business platforms users would choose. Not everyone is adept with the modern technology these days, so they would opt for something more user-friendly. They still choose something old school over the new ones.
Most likely, one way for netizens to be updated with the latest trends would follow Facebook pages on the famous aforementioned website. In relation to our topic, we took the liberty of looking up more than a few verified fan page accounts related to wigs.
Referring to the pictures above, you may all see the number of followers each page has garnered. So far, Hair2Wear; a Facebook page dedicated to selling clip-in extensions and bangs, up-do-wraps, braided headbands, ponytails and wigs for you to achieve that supermodel hair inspired by Christie Brinkley; has accumulated over seventy-four thousand likes and counting.
By this alone, you can gather that the wigs’ popularity have widely-spread on the world wide web.

Quora is one of the most popular question-and-answer sites on the web. The great thing about this website is that you will be able to find clear and well-organized explanations for each query, therefore, a lot of users will turn to this website to seek some answers.
Still on the topic of wigs, it came to no surprise that people have also ask for answers on this website. The image above reflects people’s concerns when it comes to wigs.
The most common question that came up when we filtered the topics was how to make wigs look more realistic, as they want to opt for a more natural looking mane. Furthermore, more than once the question asking where they can buy cheap wigs online came up, as well. Surprisingly, not only women have posted some of their concerns regarding wigs, but a group of men as well. This only proves further our assumption that wigs have started to branch out its popularity in different genders.

Answers.com, on the other hand, seem to have a bunch of interesting queries with regards to wigs. Unfortunately, the answers were not as comprehensive and organized as Quora. Nonetheless, similar results came up when topics were filtered to wigs. The first question that came up was: “Where do you get really good wigs?”
The subject as to where they can find cheap wigs with good quality also appeared in the list of questions related to this topic. There were a lot of questions of wigs for cosplay which did not show much on Quora, which was surprising because we can never talk about cosplay without commenting about their wigs.
If we try to look back at the Google trend that was presented earlier in this article, Japan came the second place with the highest number of web search on wigs. Before Kylie Jenner and the rest of her posse have been snatching our weaves, Japan was known for their elaborate costume play, or what is commonly known as cosplay. As such, wigs was a necessary and significant addition to their whole get up. Therefore, in addition to health and beauty, wigs have also played an important role when it comes to entertainment.
As aforesaid, one of the common questions that was asked on question-and-answer sites is: ‘Where can we buy a relatively cheap wig with good quality?”
With the high demand of wigs these days, it is not impossible for us to find one for ourselves. Online and physical stores have stocked up storage rooms full of wigs in different sizes, colours, and textures.
However, since people spend way too much time on the internet, it came to the point that online stores have outnumbered physical stores. And because of the convenience modern technology can provide, customers would prefer to shop at the confines of their homes.

Amazon is one of the most popular e-commerce websites, by far. A lot of online shoppers have expressed their satisfaction of the products the website has. Not only that, they have gotten good reviews for offering good quality items.
Looking at the image above, we can see Amazon’s bestseller wigs. The prices vary from $5 – $36 depending on what kind of wigs you need. The most popular K’ryssma Ombre Gray 2 Tones Synthetic Lace Front Wig which costs $33.80. On the right side, you can also see that it’s one of most wished for and perfect gift ideas, proving further how popular this kind of wig is.

This style has been getting a lot of good reviews and high star ratings, even earning the title of Amazon’s Choice. This only shows how good the quality is.

eBay is another e-commerce platform that a lot of consumers trust. Not only do they sell quality products, but they offer a variety of services as well. One of them is to allow any consumers to auction their products. And yes, wigs included.

So far, the most popular wig on the website is the synthetic hair ombre grey wig which cost $12.31. Not only that, it has also received 99.4% positive feedback from consumers. Comparing the most popular wig on Amazon, it seems that ombre grey wigs are very popular nowadays.
And of course, we must not forget of Alibaba, China’s pride and honour as it joins the list of one of the most popular e-commerce companies.

The website offers excellent quality of wigs, however, there aren’t really a lot of variations initially. Most of the wigs that came up were mostly raven-haired and if not curly, then wavy. They do offer a lot of human hair type which would be the best choice if you want to opt for the most natural looking wig.

One of the most expensive wigs of the bunch is the KaBeiLu wig which has a staggering amount of $110. Unfortunately, there aren’t available reviews to check whether the item is good or not, however, knowing that it full-lace natural human hair wig then chances are items as such will have such prices.
YouTube houses a lot of beauty gurus, and women; as well as men; of all ages has honed most of their skills just by watching their videos on this famous website. Some of these YouTubers have gathered a huge number of following because they inspire viewers to bring out the best of themselves.
One of them, Promise Tamang Phan or most commonly known as, Promise Phan.

Promise is a make-up artist and a social media star known for her elaborate make-up transformations. As of 2017, she has already had a huge number of following with a whopping number of 4.8 million subscribers on YouTube.
Because of her transformative make-up techniques, she has amassed a substantial wig collection. One of her videos “My massive WIG collection” has become one of the most viewed videos on her channel which also has garnered thousands of comments, as well. It is no doubt, Promise Phan is definitely one of the best people you can ask about wigs (or to watch for this matter). Considering the number of views she has, apparently, people who also share the same passion as her, watch her videos to know more about wigs.
So go check out her video to know where she usually buys her wigs and how she takes good care of them.

As expressed, wigs have become more than a want, rather it is now a need. Not only has it been used for entertainment and beauty purposes, it clearly shows a good alternative for people who are experiencing hair problems. In addition to that, wigs have become a tool for us to showcase our creativity, alongside make-up. In a way, wigs have helped us boost our confidence and thus breaking the norms of what a beauty standard is.
With today’s advancement in technology, looking up and purchasing wigs have become much easier and more convenient to do. What we can do is that we have to do our own careful and meticulous research for us to find the best wigs for us. After all, we have the internet to help us out. There are various social media platforms, e-commerce platforms, and question-and-answers sites you can always turn to when you decided to start your own wig collection, be it for health or beauty purposes.
And hopefully with this article, it will also be able to help and guide you know where to start looking first.
So just keep calm and put on a wig.
Since I started doing Makeup tutorials on YouTube, I purchased a lot of wigs. Wigs are a lot of fun to collect, You can totally look like a different person just by changing a wig. It’s fun to experiment with different colors and see what hair style or color suits you the most. I hope you guys liked my wig collection. — Promise Phan, August 06, 2015
Source: howtohairbeauty
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