Natural Hair Tutorial: Rockin’ a Banana Clip

Yes kinky textured natural hair can fit into a banana clip.

Oh so you don’t believe me, huh?
Banana clips have come a long way from the old school long and narrow types you may have grown up with. They come in new modern styles and shapes. I’ve seen some in a circular shape, an ovular shape and even a heart shape.
If your hair is coarsely textured or very thick, you may have a hard time getting your hair into any type of banana clip, especially the long narrow types.
I’ve been trying to get my hair into a banana clip for months, but was growing frustrated with how tight my hair was being pulled to fit into the clip. And shortly after getting my hair into the clip, the clip would pop open. I found an ovular clip and was determined to get my hair into the banana clip, but it was still a #FAIL. Finally, it clicked, why don’t I try to put my hair in a pony tail first, then put on the banana clip?
I tried it and it worked.  Here’s how I do it.

Source: kinkycurlycoilme

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