Derby City Natural Hair Story

My Hair Story

My hair has been an interesting part of my life.  I have sported many hairstyles including natural, relaxed, Jheri Curl, cornrows, weaves, extensions, etc.

I have been natural on and off my life.  I can always remember marathon braiding sessions
while laying in my mother’s lap on Saturday evenings.  I received a Jheri Curl in the 3rd grade after pleading with my mother for a quick fix for my long thick hair which she finally allowed.  It only took one summer of constant swimming without a swim cap and “fake-washing” to cause damage so severe I went from mid-back length to TWA.  I liked my short hair because it was quick and easy and I could do it myself.
As my hair grew longer my mother returned to cornrowing my hair to keep it “presentable” and would press it on special occasions.  By Jr. High School straight hair became “the thing” and I again begged my mother to rid me of my puffy blow-out or press for the luxurious straight feel that only a relaxer can bring.  She honored my request but limited my touch-ups to about 4 times a year.  I often sported extension braids when I wanted a break.
By high school I went through varying periods of relaxed hair, transitioning back to natural, chopping my hair short like Halle and wearing extensions or interlocks (aka crochet braids).  I really used my hair to accentuate my style and express my mood.
In college me and a friend decided to go natural [again] but would only wear our hair straight either by pressing it or flat-ironing.  I would occasionally throw some braids in when I was tired with it and didn’t want to be bothered.  I began relaxing my hair again simply for ease of use at the end of my college years as I was the master of the flat wrap.
The relaxing continued on until 2008 when I received a “challenge” from my teenage daughter who was feeling the same itch to relax as I had in Jr High.  I refused her request to relax her hair but agreed to return to wearing my hair natural also.  I began my transition in March of 2008 by chopping an inch from my hair every couple of months until I was fully transitioned in February 2009.

When  I  began transitioning I continued to flat-iron my hair for the first 6 months, then switched to braid-outs to help match the two hair textures.  Since then I have tried many different products and styles but my regimen has settled on me being a weekly styler for most of the year opting mostly for two-strand twist styles Monday – Thursday and twist-out on the weekend.  During the Summer months I love to wear Wash-n-Go styles because they are quick and easy.
A few pix of me through out the years.
You can also share your hair Story with us  via
Credit : Derby City Naturals

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