3 All-Natural Ingredient Your Dry Hair Needs This Winter

Dealing with dry hair during the winter is the most frustrating hair concern ever. We all struggle with trying to find the right potions and lotions to
moisturize our dry curls. Now don’t get me started on that crazy crispy feeling either.
This is the time of year where you can really give your natural hair some TLC by using extra-moisturizing products and ramping up the deep conditioning treatments. Finding ingredients to keep your curls soft is easier than ever now with so many product options available for natural hair.  You might even have some ingredients you could use for your curls in your kitchen right now. Here are the 5 ingredients that can help keep your curls moisturized, soft, and refreshed.


Olive oil is one of my favorite oils to cook with, because it is so rich in antioxidants and vitamins E and A. I always have some in my kitchen.  It’s healthy for our bodies and it’s also healthy for our hair. Yup. This oil can be a perfect aid to helping your curls regain their moisturize and shine.


Honey is a natural humectant, thus it pulls moisture from the atmosphere into the strands to combat dryness and keep hair moisturized and manageable.  It’s also great at helping to prevent dry scalp and removes buildup on the scalp. Since it helps to remove buildup from the scalp, it relieves itching and combats dry scalp because buildup is not allowed to create a barrier between the scalp and the moisture and nutrients from products applied.


Can I just tell you how much water got a bad rap when I was growing up. You too right? When water was near – I wasn’t! But girl, now things are different.  Water is one of the most important ingredients on the list. Our natural hair and bodies need water. It is essential that we keep ourselves hydrated because our bodies are mostly made of water. When we are dehydrated all that does is dry out our bodies, skin, and also our hair. When looking at products, please make sure that water is one of the first ingredients you see. And when you’re moisturizing your hair at night, go ahead and spritz a little water on your dry hair to get the party started. The water will open the cuticle of your hair and better absorb your moisturizing products.


Shea butter is one of the best butters you can put in your hair. Not only does it provide your hair with incredible non-greasy moisture, it is also packed with nutritious vitamins like vitamins A, E, and F. All of these vitamins work to promote healthier and softer hair. Shea butter also works to repair and protect your curls against damage whether that’s from chemical treatments, heat styling tools, dyeing, or from harmful environmental factors such as pollution and ultraviolet sun rays. Here are 4 Reasons to Use Shea Butter This Week!

Source: kinkycurlycoilme

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