Conservative Hairstyles for Church

                                  by Kiara B
When my hair first began to grow, I was very conscious of how big my hair was in certain environments. Interviews and other professional
functions, church, weddings, and even movie theaters, had me questioning if my hair was considered “appropriate” for the occasion. I wanted to be able to express myself, while also not coming off as offensive to others. As much as we try to escape the box of what is considered appropriate for hair, its still completely normal to have doubts when searching for hairstyles that won’t land you as a the topic of discussion about natural hair in a negative light.  The natural hair “movement” is expanding and hopefully one day we won’t have to be cautious of our hair. Until then, these 4 hairstyles that I ran across from the lovely AnnisaLiMara, should provide you with some new ideas on your next hairstyle for a job interview or church.
Annisa provides step-by-step instructions on how to achieve 4 different looks in a matter of minutes.  I would like to call the first look “Goddess Twists”. Forgive me in advance if they have another name but I definitely can see a crown being placed on top of her crown of hair, of course.
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So 1st Sunday is marked off your list and now you want to try something that will go with a simple dress or nice blouse and skirt. You should definitely try this up-do. Even if your first attempt isn’t a success or you’re rushing for church, I’m 100% sure that the scarf you choose will make this hairstyle look amazing! Don’t forget to accessorize with earrings.
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We’re almost to the end of the month. You’ve spent all week struggling with the weather. You probably exercised on Saturday or had a late night with friends.  A high bun may be your only option but it doesn’t have to look like it. All you need is a scrunchie, a couple of bobby pins, and a comb for the finishing touches.
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4th Sunday has arrived!  Maybe you haven’t grasped the concept of braiding to the scalp yet so instead two single braids tucked away may be your only option.  That is perfectly fine because no one will be able to tell the difference.
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Want to know how these 4 styles were achieved, see below for the full video with step-by-step instructions or visit the AnnisaLiMara at


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