3 Quick & Super Easy Styles When You Don’t Have Time!

My son is now 14 months old.
Girrrrrl how time flies!
Getting ready to leave the house takes much longer then it used to (go figure) and if you’re like me, you
get dressed, put on your makeup, and then style your hair last.
Things have definitely changed in my neck of the woods. It’s easier for me to Jr ready first then take care of myself. Remember how I said, I style my hair last?
Well there is no time left by the time I get ready to even think about styling. But there is no way I’m going out look #cray or in a puf every day just because I don’t have time. I came up with these 3 easy styles (on a whim) on days when I had to run out.  Imagine what I will come up with when I return to work in a few weeks.
They were quick and sooooo easy to do, I just had to share them. Enjoy!

Source: kinkycurlycoilme

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