Texture Tales: Tiffany Tells Us Why She Decided To Big Chop

How would you best describe your hair?

Naturally Curly

What is your hair type?


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Where do I begin?! Well, growing up in the MD/DC area, I went to school with children from many different cultures, ethnic groups, etc. I had quite a few friends who were Indian and I loved their straight dark hair. I kept asking my mom if I could wear mine straight to school and she always told me no. I didn’t understand that my hair would only stay straight for a few hours and come back home tangled after playing at recess lol. I didn’t grow to appreciate my natural coils until college when the natural hair movement started to sprout. I had been perming my hair up until that point, and slowly began to chop and transition my freshman year. I’ve done the big chop a few times because I love having fun and expressing myself through the different stages of growth! I love my hair!

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

I began to see women around me and in media embracing their hair and it gave me a sense of empowerment to do the same!

How have your family, friends and co-workers reacted? What was your response to them?

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When I first decided to chop off my hair to go completely natural, I got various responses from friends and family. My hair was very long and many of them didn’t understand why I’d just cut it all off and start over. Once my hair grew back, I gained more support for keeping it natural.

How did you transition to wearing your natural texture?

I started off by cutting my hair into a short bob my freshman year until all the permed ends were gone.

What is your current hair regimen?

I wash my hair once a week with treseme shampoo and conditioner. I then use Aunt Jackie’s Quench as a leave in conditioner and seal with DevaCurl Ultra Defining Gel.
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Are there any techniques or methods that have made a big impact on the way your hair looks?

I always wash and go and air dry to eliminate frizz.

Any advice you’d like to give other women who may be in the transition phase or need some encouragement in their hair journey?

Stick with it girl! Don’t get caught up in other people’s hair types, curl patterns, etc. Your curls are beautiful and unique to you! WERK!:)

Source: naturally curly

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