Texture Tales: Patsy Shares the Most Empowering Moment of Her Curly Girl Journey BY NATURALLYCURLY

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

I can honestly say I hated my hair. My mother unfortunately didn’t know how to manage curly
hair so she combed my hair just like she combed hers which is straight. As a teenager I tried all kind of mousses and gels that just made my hair hard and always look wet (I hated it). It was probably after high school when I got a perm because someone told me it would relax my already curly hair so I could manage it better. Well needless to say that didn’t work. Later in my mid twenties I had a chemical straightener put in and that seemed to make all the curls disappear and the upkeep would be me straightening it everyday with a electric straightener. This was my daily ritual up until about a year and a half ago.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

I reached a point in my life that I began to do a lot of soul searching and praying. I started to realize exactly who I am and who God created me to be. I found the beauty in my original design and realized he made me in his image and for a purpose. I realized that in trying to hide my curls I was hiding my true identity. I identified my curls to a lot of hurts and pains that I went through in life and straightening my hair made me feel as if I was someone else. I had even felt I was two different people at times “curly haired Patsy,” timid, shy and very insecure about herself and “straight haired Patsy,” outgoing, fun and sure of who she was. I lived like this for so many years but I can boldly say now, “I’m proud of my curls.”

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment of my natural hair journey is being secure in my own self. Realizing that beauty comes from within and not what society dreams as beautiful. Realizing that I’m someone special and God doesn’t make junk. About 3 months ago I did the big chop. I found a Deva Cut stylist in my home town. I have been using healthy hair products and I’ve seen my hair transform before my eyes. I’m still on my journey and I’m loving every step of the way.

How do you protect your curls at night?

I protect my curls at night by sleeping with a satin pillowcaseand at times with a silk scarf. I have recently started every other day putting scalp oil and messaging my scalp for hair growth.

Who is your curl crush?

I have so many curl crushes that I admire and look up to @spisha , @honestlizhere@graceloveandcurls just to name a few there are so many. They are all so informative and supportive. I always thank God that I stumbled upon the curly IG community.

What's your curly girl essential you can't live without?

Right now I’ve been very fortunate to be able to try a lot of different products from some amazing product distributors. So I’m still in the process of seeing which products work best for my curls, but right now I really couldn’t live without water and a light weight gel.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you'rsquo;d like to share?

My current hair regimen is washing my hair twice a week. I deep condition at least once a week for about an hour or so to keep moisture in my hair. I’m still new to my hair journey and still learning a lot so I’m having fun experimenting with different techniques and products to see what works best for me.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Most challenging moments was before my big chop. The transitioning stage from when you stop using straighteners and decide to go natural. I’m not going to lie there where a lot of times when I wanted to straighten my hair and just say forget it but I’m so glad I didn’t.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

They technique I use every time I style my hair now is applying my products on my hair when it’s soaking wet. I really feel when I apply the gel especially it gets saturated thought my entire head and of course scrunching it in. Also using deep conditioners and hair masques

What's your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Well I’m a lot older than a lot of the girls I admire so I’m wanting to really be a voice to older women like myself. You're never too old to see the beauty in who your original design was created to be. Don’t let society define who you are. You are beautifully made and you deserve to walk with your head held high being proud of who you are.
What's your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Credit: Naturally Curly

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