Dry shampoo mistakes you must avoid HAIR By Richa Ranjan

By now, most of the girls (and guys) have dry shampoo in their beauty arsenal. This wonderful product gives oil-free, clean and fresh smelling hair without wet-shampooing making our hectic lives easier. If you use dry shampoo, look out for these common mistakes your might be making.

Spraying too close to your scalp
If you have noticed a white chalk-like residue after spraying dry shampoo on your hair roots, you are probably spraying it too close to the scalp. Hold the can at least ten inches away from your hair and spray in light motions.

Using too much product
Using too much of the dry shampoo will not necessarily give you best results. Your entire head may not be in need of a cleanup baring some oily spots. Lift your hair in sections carefully observing and spraying dry shampoo where ever needed.  Also, it is easier to add products than removing excess, so start with little amount of dry shampoo, wait for a few minutes, and add more if required.

Applying it in a rush
Dry shampoo needs time to settle in and do its job. Simply applying it quickly and expecting a miracle is not the answer. Spritz on dry shampoo, work it gently into your hair and wait for some time for best results.

Using it on wrong spots
It’s a good idea to be selective while using dry shampoo on your head. Target spots that are greasy as there is no point using it on the other areas which aren’t dirty. Using it all over especially on non-greasy areas will make the hair stiff and dull.

Not massaging the dry shampoo
Rather than simply spay-and-go, after spraying dry shampoo wait for a minute and massage with your fingertips working it into the hair and roots. If you skip this step, the shampoo will just sit on your hair unable to do its job.

Using it every day
Just because it’s convenient does not mean it is good for the hair. Using too much dry shampoo can block the hair follicles and result in product built up on the scalp. Using it once or twice a week is more than enough.

Source: femina

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