5 must have hair accessories when you're on the go HAIR By Kannagi Desai

We all have those days when you decide to just let your hair be and then get hit in the face with a plan that you can’t slither out of. For the sudden plans, make sure you are armed with these hair accessories  to make sure you look your best.

This one is the easiest, takes up the least amount of space and serves a lot of purposes. You can wrap all of your hair in a makeshift turban or use it as a cool headband. You can even go in for a funky 80s look by using it as a hair tie.  

Hair cuff
This accessory is the holy grail of all accessories and there should be a shrine for this one! Literally 10 seconds, add the cuff to your ponytail or half updo and suddenly you are ready to party!

We all have these beauties for our eyes, but they can also work as makeshift headbands to either keep the hair off your face or just to hide your greasy roots.

Bow Ribbon
Remember in school how we hated those bows on our braids? Well, what if we tell you those ribbons can actually turn your meh do into a romantic date night look? Just take a simple satin ribbon matching either the colour of your outfit or keep it simple in black and tie it around your bun or half updo and finish with a bow. 

Embellished headband
Again, this one is a no brainer. Invest in a fancy bedazzled headband and add it to any hairstyle to glam up your look. Yes, it is that simple!

Source: femina

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