Are You A Sandy Brown Natural?

Erika writes:
A few years ago, my hair dresser shared that people with my color hair (a dark but very sandy and shine free brown, that's very blond in the sun), have a very
"unique" natural hair texture. I've observed a few other SB's like myself (sandy browns) and I see the following commonalities:

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Characteristics of My Sandy Brown Hair:

  • Fine ( and I will repeat this again)
  • Very dry and porous (can never get enough moisture and sucks it up from anywhere)
  • Very fragile, breaks easily, and very susceptible to mechanical damage
  • Easily heat damaged ( I still have a press and curl from 12 months ago in my head)
  • Deceptively fine & easily straightened, yet very high shrinkage ( 80% +) and fairly 'kinky'
  • Sucks up color & keeps it (there is no such thing as semi-permanent or rinse color for me, it's there forever)
  • Easily weighed down by products that usually work for 4a/4b hair, however my hair looks like 4a/4b hair but acts like some hybrid of 3-4/b
I also noticed whenever I get a sew in weave, it seems to tangle horribly (especially the wet and wavy, curly blond mat quickly). All the while I find myself insanely jealous of darker haired curlies who seem to fair better than me. 

Is it My Hair Color? Or My Texture? 

Is there something in particular curlies of this type can do? I have finally started to find some products/regimens that work to a degree, but only through A LOT of trial and error. If there is a connection I'd love to know more about it so I can tailor my hair care accordingly. Is there something to natural hair color in relation to ones hair texture? 

Weigh in!

The following post was written in February 2011 and has been republished for grammar and clarity.

Source: curlynikki

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