The Step You're Probably Missing from Your Winter Routine By Shannon

This winter, introduce scalp exfoliation to your hair routine.

This technique is going to help clear your pores from dead skin, dandruff,
and product build-up. Although we tend to leave it out of our weekly wash day routine, many of us need exfoliation because shampooing is not enough to really replenish and maintain a healthy scalp. If you haven't done this lately, it's time to exfoliate.
The colder weather makes your skin drier, so we tend to use heavier creams at this time of year. Remember, you also want to treat your scalp with the same extra care. It is skin after all -- even if it is hidden under that huge head of curls.

What does scalp exfoliation do?

Exfoliating your scalp can also help to treat blemishes, white heads and acne that you may have hidden on the scalp. If you've ever felt bumps or pimples on the scalp when massaging you definitely should take the time to exfoliate. Additionally, doing this regularly will also relieve any scalp irritation and can help prevent hair loss.
I would recommend doing this twice a month (if you have the time weekly would be amazing!). This will allow your scalp to breathe and promote hair growth due to the stimulation whilst exfoliating.
You can make your own scalp exfoliator from items you probably have lying around the kitchen, so no need to buy any more products to add to the many you probably already have! I like to keep it basic by mixing together 3 tablespoons of brown sugar with 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil. The brown sugar granules help to remove the dead skin, unblocking your pores and the olive oil helps to moisturize your scalp.

How to exfoliate your scalp at home

1. Mix together 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil.
Scalp Scrub Mix
2. Section and pre-poo your dry hair by moisturizing the hair with an oil of your choice.
Section Oil Hair
3. Bantu knot your hair; this is going to make it easier for you to reach your whole scalp without tangling your curls during the exfoliating process.
Bantu Knots
4. Section by section, massage the scalp scrub into the scalp with your fingertips gently. Once your whole scalp has been exfoliated, leave in the scalp scrub under a shower cap for 5 to 10 minutes.
Scrub Scalp
5. Rinse your hair under the shower head and massage any scrub out.
Scalp Massage
6. Shampoo with a gentle moisturizing cleanser, continuing to massage the scalp well to remove any existing scrub.
Shampoo Scalp
7. Deep condition and style as you would on a typical wash day.
Wash and go
Now you will be left with a fresh scalp ready for the week to come! If you feel a DIY scalp treatment isn't for you, you can try using a scalp exfoliating brush which you can use when shampooing weekly to keep on top of your scalp care.

Is scalp care something you pay attention to? Let us know your scalp care tips below!

Want more scalp care advice?

Source: naturallycurly

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