How To Heal Your Damaged Hair In The Kitchen

by Tiffani Greenaway of

Nothing ruins a fab twist out faster than split ends.

If your hair is dry, brittle, and breaking, you've probably got damage. Over styling, bi-weekly
blowouts, and a number of other factors can wreak havoc on our strands. From rocking too tight braids to using too much heat, damage shows itself in split ends and dull, dry hair.

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Luckily, you can reverse the effects of damage--with things you've already got in your kitchen. 

Bring you hair back to health with deep conditioning. 
If you've got an avocado handy, skip the guac and help your hair. Avocados are full of vitamins, minerals, and natural oils to keep your hair shining. Mash a ripe one with a little of your favorite oil to make a mask, and leave it on for 20 minutes after you wash your hair. 

Try a hot oil treatment.
Instead of drizzling it over your salad, heat up 1/2 cup of olive oil. Massage into wet hair and cover with a shower cap and a towel. Netflix and chill for 45 minutes, and then wash it out. Olive oil's antioxidants and vitamin E help to seal the cuticle and heal damaged hair. 

Sweeten things up.
Honey isn't just for your tea. A natural humectant, honey attracts moisture and feeds your follicles to encourage growth. Mix 1/4 cup of honey with 3 tablespoons of warm coconut oi and apply it to damp hair. Let it sit for 20 minutes, and wash out. 

Healing your hair can be as easy as opening your kitchen cabinets. 

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