You want to know a quick way to make me not take you seriously in a conversation about cinematic representation?
Tell me “Businesses exist to make money.”
Houston Rockets/James Harden
Do you know the difference between
an ophthalmologist, optometrist, and optician? I do. Because I roll my eyes so hard every time I hear that tired mess I have to phone a friend to get me to the relevant one and correct the issue. I’ve practically seen my own brain.
Basically the argument is that formulaic shows and films with formulaic stars front and center are the only way for studios to make money. And when you narrow that down to animated media, you know, the type that shape us as children and so forth, the formula grinds down even more. But as far as the viewers, hype, and dollar dollar bills are concerned, the so-called conventional wisdom gets exposed as a hot bucket of carp.
Originally the metaphor was what you’d think it’d be, but in this heat my typo seemed even more appropriate.
Let’s take a look at the “Hair Love” Kickstarter Campaign as an example. NFL wide receiver turned writer/director/producer/filmmaker/cinematic badass, Matthew Cherry isn’t exactly a newcomer in the movie scene. His career in the entertainment industry has been rising since his retirement from the League in 2007—he started out working as a production assistant, went on to music videos after the first year of his new line of work, debuted feature length films at SXSW, and now? He’s capturing a dad doing his daughter’s gorgeous and abundant afro-textured hair for the first time. And people are loving it!
Obviously, as a Kickstarter, there’s no budget for YouTube ads, posters, Hulu spots, etc. And yet this adorable looking, super simple concept: a dad making his initial foray into styling his daughter, has smashed its original goal of $75,000 by over sixty percent. As of writing, the campaign is only one third of the way through. To break it down, that’s $129,175 raised in ten days on (mostly) black media outlets and word of mouth ALONE. That’s some serious dubloons being thrown down.
And it all goes to show what I’m sure most all of us know already, but seems to bear repeating: Diverse experiences MAKE. MONEY. Lead characters of any historically/currently marginalized identities like women, people of color, anyone in the LGBTQIA umbrella, plus size folks, the list goes on (for like a MILE) always garner attention. The fact that so many big studios refuse capitalize on that buzz, keep marketing going, keep investing, etc? Kills me.
But on a more positive note, I’m always thrilled to see projects like this highlighting girls with big black hair and their nurturing dads (yes men can be nurturing too, we have proof) getting the attention and funding they deserve! I can’t wait to see ‘Hair Love’, and I’m excited for more projects from more voices in the future.
Here’s a few pictures of dads and their little coily cuties to round us out with some good vibes.
Ahhhhhhhh...that’s good stuff.
Are you loving this as much as I am? How much money are you willing to throw at coil-centric cartoons? Do you want to argue the carp metaphor is actually a simile because the word ‘as’ is in the sentence? Let’s discuss!
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